The Glock 17 is one of the most common 9mm semi-automatic handguns in use today, but it has a few flaws. The main problem with this pistol is that the slide rubs against the barrel if you don't properly lubricate it. When you lubricate it, there are two ways to do so: either by hand or with a machine. In this article, we'll discuss both methods and compare them. This article will discuss ways to help you learn how to oil a Glock effectively. If you want to learn more about oil a Glock, please continue reading.
How to Lubricate a Glock Pistol
Listed below are two ways how to oil Glock pistol and give it a clean patch:
Hand Lubrication
This method allows you to manually place a small amount of lubricant on the dry patch that needs it. It requires minimal effort and allows you to customize exactly what goes into the process.
Take one of your gloves and the cleaning kit, then put on a new pair for safety reasons to perform this step. Then, remove your old glove, and wash both hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. Once done, grab a cotton swab (the kind you use for cleaning your ears), wet it slightly with alcohol, and stick it in your palm. Now, get ready by finding the following parts:
Once you have found these points, position yourself with your hand resting on the feed ramp or the grip frame, holding the gun upright. Now, carefully insert the tip of the swab into the grease port located on the handle of your pistol and slowly move it back and forth until you feel like a thin layer of lube has been deposited on the part needed.
Be careful not to let any excess go inside or under the trigger guard because it will damage the sensitive components like the slide rail cuts. Once you are finished, wipe off the swabs using a clean cloth and re-apply your original glove.
If you want to learn more about this technique, check out our full guide here.
Automatic Lubrication
Another way to ensure proper lubrication is automatic lubrication, which involves putting the gun aside and allowing it to drip oil for a few minutes after every use. While this method isn't foolproof, most people don't even notice any difference in performance. We recommend doing this over manual lubrication simply because it takes less time, but if you want to be sure, then continue reading.
To make the best possible choice, you should consider the type of gun you own. If you choose to lubricate your pistol automatically, you'll probably want to purchase a model that's already equipped with an internal lubricator. These models usually work well because they're designed to circulate lubricant through the barrel and slide during operation continuously. This ensures that the gun is always getting plenty of lubrication, so you won't have to worry about running low. If you decide to buy one of these guns, make sure to read all the reviews available online before deciding.
Now that you know what type of gun you plan on purchasing, you can start looking for a compatible model. You should also note that some manufacturers install their lubricators, while others sell them separately. Before buying, remember that, as long as the lubricator works properly, it doesn't matter whether it comes preinstalled or sold separately. It should keep the Glock working perfectly fine regardless of where you purchased it from.
Why Lubricate?
There are many reasons why you would want to lubricate your Glock, some of which include:
Preventing Corrosion and Rust on Your Gun
As much as we like to think that our guns are indestructible, they aren't. The slightest scratch can lead to corrosion and rust with all the moving parts inside. It could eventually cause malfunctions and other issues. By applying a thin layer of grease to your trigger mechanism or any other part where friction occurs, you're helping prevent any potential damage.
Preventing Dry Firing
Dry firing happens when you pull the trigger without any ammunition loaded into the chamber. While this may seem harmless at first, it can set off several safety measures. For example, after dry firing a handgun, the sear engages automatically and moves backward, preventing the slide from cycling forward and ejecting any spent casings.
Also, if a round is already chambered Glock barrel, the magazine disconnector disengages, allowing the slide to cycle back and forth. When the slide stops, the hammer releases and fires the gun again, these events are designed to stop your unsafe actions, so be careful.
Reducing Wear on Your Gun
After years of regular usage, even the best quality firearms start wearing down over time. Because the slide rubs along the barrel, it becomes necessary to apply some lubrication now and then. Not only does this make for a better feeling firearm, but it also prolongs the life of your weapon greatly.
Improving Accuracy
Lubricating your gun doesn't just mean making it feel good; it can also improve accuracy. Every little bit counts when shooting something, especially when precision matters. When you fire bullets through your firearm, all sorts of things happen, including gas expansion and recoil. The result of these movements is an increase in muzzle jump.
This means that your bullet travels further than expected, causing the shot pattern to spread out rather than being concentrated around the point of impact. Many factors contribute to this issue, such as the amount of powder used during each shot, velocity, and the weight of the bullet itself. To combat this effect, lubricate your gun to reduce the amount of movement it experiences while firing.
As you can see, there are many benefits to lubricating your gun. However, not everyone knows how to do it properly. That's where this article comes in. Let's take a look at two different methods for lubricating your Glock.
Should You Oil a Glock?
The short answer is yes; however, there are better options than manually applying grease to your firearm. Automatic lubrication systems are generally considered a much safer option when compared to manual application because they keep the gun constantly topped up, preventing accidents such as slipping and falling. However, if you need to apply grease manually, follow the tips above.
What Parts of the Glock Do You Have to Lubricate?
You should never grease anything other than your firing pin assembly; this includes the firing pin itself, the hammer, the disconnector, and everything associated with the mechanism. Since grease protects mechanical parts against corrosion, you shouldn't even use it anywhere else besides those four areas. However, you can still add additional lubrication by rubbing a small amount onto the inner surfaces of your magazine tube and your outer slide rails.
How Often Do I Need to Oil My Glock?
This depends entirely upon the environment in which you carry it (see top concealed carry handguns). Some people prefer to only do it once per month using a dry brush, whereas others believe they should do it more frequently. The truth is that no set rule applies across the board, so everyone has to determine what makes sense for him or herself. If you think you might ever encounter a problem, though, you may want to go ahead and look into purchasing a fully automatic lubricator.
Can You Over Oil a Glock Pistol?
Yes - if you try to over-lube the weapon. As mentioned earlier, the lubricants we recommend using are specifically designed to prevent excessive wear and tear on the weapon. However, you can still damage it if you apply too much.
Over-application causes two problems: First, the excess lubricant will eventually dry out, causing your weapon to malfunction. Second, any leftover residue could get trapped in the moving parts, damaging them. If you're concerned about this happening, take a good look at our guide to cleaning your Glock, and pay special attention to Step 3.
If you don't want to risk harming your gun, you can wait until you notice a decrease in functionality and then fix whatever the issue was.
How Many Different Types of Lubes Are There?
There are numerous types of lubes available for handguns depending on the Glock model. They range from traditional greases like WD-40 to synthetic oils like Kal-Tec Klear. Lubricants come in varying viscosity levels, ranging from thin liquids to thick pastes. There are two things to keep in mind when considering which one(s) to use: first, the viscosity level must match your current needs.
For example, if you have an extremely slow-moving firearm that requires frequent lubrication, you'd likely choose grease over something thinner. On the flip side, if your weapon moves quickly and doesn't require much lubrication, you may opt for something thinner so that it won't interfere with its movement.
Finally, consider where the lubricant will end up. Will it remain in contact with the firearm, or will it just spill off onto some other surface? It goes back to the point made earlier about safety, and it's important to remember that it's not always safe to put something down if you don't know exactly where it will end up.
What Kind of Oil Does My Glock Use?
The vast majority of Glocks are equipped with either Parkerizing or Nitro-Lime coatings. The difference between these two options lies primarily in their application methods. While Parkerizing is self-applied, Nitro-Lime requires a professional. Both processes involve applying paint to the weapon's exterior, though Parkerizing is applied as part of the manufacturing process while Nitro-Lime is completed after the weapon leaves the factory.
In addition to these two options, many pistols are also manufactured with a Nitriding coating. These products differ slightly in that they aren't paints but rather metallic alloys applied directly to the steel frame of the firearm. These coatings are generally more durable than traditional painting, and they also tend to be less expensive because they're done by hand instead of automatic machines. However, they also require regular maintenance to remain effective, and they can sometimes cause additional issues for users who don't properly maintain their guns.
Regardless of which type of finish is used, all of them contain a certain amount of petroleum-based lubricants. These components are responsible for giving each handgun its unique feel and performance characteristics, and they help protect the weapon against corrosion and oxidation. Most manufacturers suggest keeping Parkerized firearms completely free of oil. They may do so because they believe that doing otherwise would alter the aesthetic qualities of their product. Still, it's also possible that they're worried about making the firearm susceptible to moisture and rust.
We hope that our comprehensive guide was helpful. Oiling a Glock is crucial in maintaining and preventing damages to your gun. We have explained the process in a way that is easy to understand, and we hope your process will be hassle-free.